Learn More About Shared Pay TV Cards

Control word sharing is otherwise called as card sharing, which is a type of method that is allowing a number of clients or digital TV receivers in gaining accessibility to the subscription of TV networks by using 1 valid subscription card. This is being done by simply sharing a part of the authentic conditional access smartcard electronically. And because of this, this allows the recipient to get simultaneous access into the scrambled DVB streams that is only available on the encrypted TV network.


A legitimate smart card is being attached to the hosted digital television receiver most of the time; this is equipped with software to be able to share the decrypted 64bit Control Word key over a computer network just like the internet. As soon as the client has received the key, they could now decrypt the content that's encrypted as though they're using their personal subscription card.


The security measures of technology used for the conditional access smart card are limited to the security of the DVB standard where it operates. Further details about this are available here. Decrypting the ECM or the Entitlement Control Message is the conventional practice of legitimate smart card; this then presents the control word that is allowing the client to see the scrambled material.


On the other hand, if you have decided to make use of the card sharing, the smartcard and even the security features it have would be bypassed as the software will start intercepting decrypted control word and allows the user to share it over their computer network.


Actually, card sharing has established an effective and popular method to decrypt piracy. Similar information regarding these are accessible in the given link. As a matter of fact, there is much development and advancement that has been incorporated to card sharing both its software and hardware.


The delivery of the control words to several clients is very easy due to the length of the complete word is just small. Basically, this has made the introduction of the sharing network group in which users can gain access of the group by only sharing their subscription cards and in return, they will be able to receive channels in which all of the users could decrypt. Some other networks are also created, whereby one server actually uses several legitimate card subscription connected to it.


On the other hand, there's an argument regarding the legitimacy of usage of card sharing. And this is all focused on the sharing of control word to the home network which the subscriber is authorized by the subscription of the TV network to decrypt their signal by just 1 smartcard. Normally, content providers are providing a mean for viewers to watch different channels on a 2nd smartcard and of course, this comes with additional price.